Who are the Chosen people?

Jocelyne Steeves
2 min readMay 21, 2024


During the time of Abraham, a diverse group of people committed to fulfilling the covenant to “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” This group became known as the Jews, chosen to “bring light unto the nations.” Despite this sacred mission, they have not yet fully achieved it, often hindered by internal conflicts. Some believe that anti-Semitism may stem from an unconscious frustration with the Jews’ perceived failure to fulfill their covenant with God.

It could also be said that you are ‘chosen’ if you are awakened to answering the question: What is the meaning of life? This timeless question haunts us all at some point. People pursue various paths in search of an answer, hoping to find fulfillment and purpose. Some become disillusioned, finding that the answers they uncover are unsatisfying. Others embrace the notion that life is to be lived, accepting its ups and downs, and acknowledging that fairness is not guaranteed.

The unrelenting ones have found the answer to all their questions in the study of the Wisdom of Kabbalah.

We are in the generation where anyone, regardless of religion or gender, can study the Wisdom of Kabbalah. You could call it the Jewish method, which is to calibrate your mind and heart, to achieve the quality of bestowal and you do that by practising on others. By doing that you begin to discover your connection to the rest of reality, which is what you can ultimately call your connection with the Creator. From connecting with the others you discover the glue that binds us together, which is the Creator.

Thousands of years ago sages summed the method up as “Love thy friend as thyself.” It’s one sentence that encapsulates the formula of how to completely change your perspective of reality in order to perceive the Creator. If you can get to the point where you can relate to everything outside of you, to all of reality, starting with all of humanity, along with those interested in doing the same work, if you can relate to others as you relate to yourself, you achieve the quality of the Creator.

[This is a transcription of part of a Q & A on the method of Kabbalah.]

The effect of the Kabbalistic method will be to actualize humanity’s existential evolution. This method is a serious committment. Not many are willing to undertake it, as it is a daily study and practise.

No matter what, being mindful of how your words and actions impact those around you creates a ripple effect. By doing your part to make the world a better place, you’ll not only enhance the happiness of those you interact with but also find greater happiness yourself.



Jocelyne Steeves

I am a retired French Immersion teacher who found the answers to all my questions about life in the Wisdom of Kabbalah.