Jocelyne Steeves
3 min readJul 16, 2022

Does the meaning of life leave an impact?

Absolutely! The truth will change the way you see life and interact with people. But here’s the funny thing about revelations, we often need reminders.

Being able to play the guitar effortlessly is a wonderful ability that gives you personal value and the admiration from others. You experience life in terms of possible tunes or beats to add to your repertoire. You add another dimension to your reality, if you will.

We also know that to maintain this expertise you must practice. Depending on your level, every day, or that facility with chords will diminish.

So it is with any skill acquisition. As the saying goes: ‘Practice makes perfect’.

What is the meaning of life? To some, a near fatal life experience will forever after make them grateful to be able to enjoy life’s pleasures. The mere remembering of what could have been lost, when life annoys them one day, will renew their feeling of gratitude. Others may think they have found it, engage in various activities and realize that their life has not changed for the better.

My search was of a more scientific nature. Was there an objective reality? I understood that my view of the world was purely subjective. My observations were personal and completely based on my own experiences in life. I also knew that I didn’t understand why the natural world was the way it was or humanity’s role in it. Was there a science that could explain it all? Turns out there is and it dates back to the time of Abraham.

The wisdom called Kabbalah is the science of the correct perception of true reality: what it is and how it is manifested. Kabbalah is a practical method that enables you to transform your consciousness and open it up to the greater reality that is concealed from us. This method requires practice along with others with whom you can share experiences.

Reality is not what it seems and the steps to experiencing the true reality takes work and time. Now here’s the rabbit hole. The revelation is simple, its realization however is a lengthy process. ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day.’

What does Kabbalah tell us?

  1. There is none else but Nature/Force/God. [In Gematria they are one and the same.]
  2. We are one creation: still, vegetative, animate and speaking and we are all connected.

How would you translate the word connected in human behaviour? Love.

There is one important task before us “Love your neighbour as yourself” and as one sage said, “For the rest, go study.” Practicing the golden rule is the work in kabbalah but it is mostly internal and it is done within a committed group of people who have the same goal of connection.

Once humanity seeks connection among all peoples and all nations, despite their differences, we will change life for all, to the good.

Aside from the study and practice of the students of kabbalah the world needs to learn about the laws of Nature. The natural world is fully connected and integrated. The circle of life is well known to elementary students. They understand the connection of the land to its inhabitants. The cycles that connect one species to another in the struggle for life.

People are the only animals who forget they are a part of nature; not above it and it’s laws. As a species, we fail to understand the need to be integrated with Nature’s law of interconnection and interdependence. We see that greed and the quest for power have broken the natural cycles. Our impact on the planet is visible from space! Yet we continue to exploit and destroy it and each other. The world is in crisis and humanity is at a loss as to how to stop doing what it’s been doing for centuries.

Nature has made us in order to enjoy it’s bounty. The issue is that it cannot be just for one. When one person wants it all, many suffer consequences never foreseen by the originator of that desire.

The search for the meaning of life seems to be a personal quest and that is part of the illusion.

Jocelyne Steeves

I am a retired French Immersion teacher who found the answers to all my questions about life in the Wisdom of Kabbalah.