A Quora question: Why do people claim that the destruction of the whole world will end the cycle of vengeance for good?
The total destruction of all existence has never been practised on earth. Life continued after the end of The Mesozoic Era, the time of the dinosaurs had to end to make way for the eventual evolution of humans. And yes, there have been catastrophic natural events which has seen the loss of certain cultures along with their knowledge of materials and construction methods: The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt; Stonehenge, England; Puma Punku, Bolivia; The Parthenon, Greece; The Temple of Jupiter in Baalbek, Lebanon; Machu Picchu, Peru; Göbekli Tepe, Turkey
- These sites continue to intrigue archaeologists, engineers, and historians, as they reflect advanced construction techniques and knowledge that were lost or evolved over millennia.
I would suggest that these advanced methods belonged to cultures that were out of balance with nature. These cultures had lost connection with each other and had forgotten about the deep interdependence of life in the natural world. Nature wiped away the cultures that were out of balance with the natural laws that make for a sustainable existence.
You can see this imbalance and lack of connection playing out today. The idealism of truth, mercy, justice and peace are paid lip service only and warped to suit the power hungry.
Humanity is yet again at a crossroad.
Nature is purposeful and does not make mistakes. What has been observed in the natural world is that everything has a purpose and a place in creating balance in living for all creatures. Humans stand out in this respect. Our tendency is to try to mould the nature’s landscape to our liking. We exploit it. We just don’t often understand why things are the way that they are or we disagree with how things are, thinking that we can do a better job… We also know that the force of nature is unstoppable.
In 1889, Oscar Wilde asserted boldly that “Life imitates [reflects] art far more than art imitates life”.
Look at all the movies produced that deal with life after an apocaliptic event and those dealing with living in space or off-world. We all know there is something wrong, but we don’t quite know how to fix it other than to tear it down and start over or leave. We have the bombs for the first, but we lack to technology for the second option.
Earth is perfect for us. It has everything we need for a good life. In fact all of us could have a good life. In order to accomplish this seemingly impossible ideal we have to accept our flaws. The self love and desire to exploit others and nature. If we can face our true nature we can see what we need to change in ourselves.
Once we fully understand the repercussions of our selfish tendencies, we can choose to redirect our desires. Our only real choice is through education. We have the internet/social media that needs to show how good relations between us will change the world.
People will gradually see that they can make a difference and that they must make a positive change themselves to see how connection means less self indulgence and more care for others. The domino effect of people caring for others, will be the ground swell that will change the world.
Enlightenment is a very personal journey. When it is attached to relationships with others as a path to get there, one must make constant scrutinies. We have to choose to change willingly because it is difficult to do and we therefore need other likeminded seekers to help us, just as we will help them.
Nature is purposeful. It is on us to change the way we do business with each other nationally and globally. I, for one, do not want to go through a ‘balance reset’.