Jocelyne Steeves
2 min readJul 25, 2022

A question asked:

Do you agree that, this state we call existence we are in , given deep analytical thought ، is irrational and could only be tolerated by humanity with a level of detachment or irrationality we are not aware of ?

On the contrary life is consistent, rational and specific to the species. The natural world is cyclical in how food is eaten where one lives and when families are produced. Humans are the only animal that has some control over the timing of these things.

Consider that each of us comes with a unique genetic inheritance and upbringing. Add the environment we presently live in and these factors provide the rational for our present behaviour.

The environment we live in includes the culture [nationality, religion,food, education] , the media influence and the people we engage with the most. All will influence what we choose to eat, where we will live and whether or not we will reproduce.

Although we may think we are above it, the natural system we exist in affects us in ways that we have been ignoring or been unaware of, to our peril. The law of interconnection. This law is more easily observed in the circle of life in the animal kingdom. We’ve seen the chart of the environmental setting to the insect to the bird that eats it and so on to the top predator and when one of those elements is missing or tampered with, everything else goes out of balance. They are interdependent.

Humanity is connected on many levels. Covid has played its part in showing us all the extent of our connection. We have been affected on the emotional and financial levels. The ripple effects of absenteeism on the work place has slowed production, disrupted distribution flow and severed personal and national relationships. In short we are feeling the repercussions in areas seemingly unrelated to the source.

Broken laws have legal implications that, when enforced, are known to the one who has broken them. The problem with breaking nature’s law of connection is that we haven’t matched the consequences with the source of the cause. Humanity’s continued lack of connection is the cause of climate extremes, pollution, illnesses, financial insecurities, food shortages, depression, skirmishes and wars.

It’s time to plug into the reality we are creating because we want things at the expense of others. To see it for what it is. We can’t change by ourselves, nor can we by remaining in the environment that is enabling selfish behaviour. We can and we must change ourselves before nature forces us to.

Jocelyne Steeves

I am a retired French Immersion teacher who found the answers to all my questions about life in the Wisdom of Kabbalah.